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Episode order
The record book The forest polka We can do it ourselves

The forest polka (russian: Лесная полька) - 27th episode of the animation series.

The plot[]

Skip says he can't dance. But it isn't true. The forest polka can make Skip turn into a real dancer! With this, Skip wants to join the contest of dancers. BUT! The caterpillars want to prevent Skip from doing so. And when Mr Webber wants to make Poopsie a winner... Skip comes in and becomes an only true winner!

The characters[]

Skip - the main character. Dances to The Forest polka.

Woopsie - the main character. He wants to prevent Skip from winning.

Poopsie - the main character. He comes to the contest of dancers and he is a ballet dancer.

Moonzy - secondary character. He plays in concert.

Dottie - scondary character. She plays in concert.

Weebee - secondary character. He plays in concert.

Mr Webber - secondary character. He is a conductor in concert.

Ants - secondary characters. They are visitors of the contest of dancers.

Granny Annie - secondary character.

The interesting facts[]

  • In this episode the photo of a baby Skip is fully black and white, but in episode "Фотография" aka "The photo", the images are colourful (That episode is in russian language only!)